In my life, I hold dear two pieces of advice from my mother: 1. Share things with others, and 2. Maintain a neat and clean appearance all the time. These simple yet powerful principles have brought elegance into my life.
When I receive a large amount of food as a gesture of gratitude, I usually share it with those around me. Likewise, if I stumble upon a delightful dessert during the weekends, I buy extras and bring them to work to share with my colleagues. Additionally, whenever I come across small but useful items, I purchase several and give them as thoughtful gifts to my friends. This act of caring for others is very natural to me. Not only have I brought joy to those around me but also to myself. Moreover, I'm often remembered as a generous and compassionate person.
Although I may not consider myself conventionally good-looking, I believe in the importance of presenting oneself in the best possible way. For this reason, I follow a regular self-care routine, making sure to shave regularly and take a shower promptly after sweating. When choosing my attire, I take the time to carefully select each piece, paying attention to color and design coordination. Moreover, I am meticulous about the condition of my clothes, checking for stains and ensuring they are properly ironed. These efforts have allowed me to leave a positive and lasting impression on people I meet.
Whenever I see people devaluing themselves by being overly frugal and unkempt, it reminds me of my mother's wise advice once again. Her wisdom has enriched my life with grace and sophistication. Let us all strive to embrace the beauty of giving and presenting ourselves in the best possible light, as it can genuinely make a difference in our lives.
hold dear ~를 소중히 여기다
take the time: to make an effort (to do something), to attempt
*take time은 천천히 시간을 필요로 한다는 뉘앙스가 있는데 take the time은 어떤 일을 하는데 시간을 할당하여 노력한다는 뉘앙스
하지만 take time도 take the time의 의미로 쓸 수 있다.
elegance: ˈe-li-gən(t)s
extra: ˈek-strə
brought: ˈbrȯt
joy: ˈjȯi
compassionate: kəm-ˈpa-sh(ə-)nət
promptly: ˈpräm(p)t-lē
attire: ə-ˈtī(-ə)r
coordination: (ˌ)kō-ˌȯr-də-ˈnā-shən
effort: ˈe-fərt
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