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A Journey into Wine Appreciation

 In the past, beer was my drink of choice. Recently, however, I've found myself indulging more in wine rather than beer. Several factors may have influenced this shift, such as emotional changes, aging, and shifts in societal preferences. About four years ago, I began finding solace in sipping wines. It was a time when I felt overwhelmed by the everyday grind, so I decided to take a spontaneous solo trip to a hotel. I sought to overcome burnout and recharge.  One night, feeling a bit adventurous, I grabbed a half bottle of wine from a nearby store and savored it while looking down the urban night view from my hotel room. That experience proved to be a soothing remedy for my burnout. Even after I returned home, I found myself craving that feeling of relaxation. Subsequently, whenever I needed a mental getaway but lacked the time, I turned to wine. Just a few glasses served as a reminder of my rejuvenating vacation. While I still appreciate beers, they are mostly for quenching my thi
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