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Coping with the Flu and Bouncing Back (독감에서 회복하다.)

 A few days ago, I wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to leave work a little early. However, even after resting at home, my condition continued to worsen. My headache grew more intense, and my whole body began to ache. Before long, I started feeling chills, despite being indoors. Thinking it might just be because I hadn’t slept well the previous night, I turned on the electric blanket and lay down. By the time evening rolled around, though, my head was pounding, my nose was running, and I felt lightheaded. ​ 며칠 전, 몸이 좋지 않아서 조금 일찍 퇴근하기로 했다. 하지만 집에서 쉬고 나서도 상태가 점점 더 나빠졌다. 두통은 점점 심해지고 온몸이 아프기 시작했다. 얼마 지나지 않아 집안에 있음에도 불구하고 오한이 느껴졌다. 전날 잠을 잘 못 자서 그런가 싶어 전기장판을 켜고 누웠다. 하지만 저녁 무렵이 되자 머리가 깨질 듯이 아프고, 콧물이 나며 어지러움을 느끼기 시작했다. I kept asking myself, How can a cold hit this hard? I tried to convince myself it wasn’t anything serious, but the worry lingered. Having had pneumonia before, I couldn’t ignore how the sudden chills and body aches felt uncomfortably familiar. The idea that it might be pneu...
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